How to Play 7th Avenue South, Jonathan Butler
Hey, y’all! Today we’re taking a break from our usual blues, classic rock, and country lessons to learn how to play 7th Avenue South by Jonathan Butler. This is a smooth jazz easy listening song. While I had not heard the song prior to this lesson request, it turned out to be a fun tune to learn and has some good things you can pick up here to add to your arsenal of licks.
Today’s post will cover the main guitar licks in the song, including the intro and the first solo over the bridge of the song. Check out our YouTube video where we break this down into bite-size pieces for you. I also have the tablature available for purchase on sheet music plus: (or you can scroll down for the free version).
Gear Corner
This week we’re going to get through the gear corner pretty quickly. Jonathan Butler is using what I think is a nylon string acoustic guitar on this recording. If you don’t have a nylon string guitar, don’t sweat it. You can still learn how to play 7th Avenue South. Just go pick up your steel-string acoustic, or heck, you can even pick up your electric guitar.
While we’re kind of taking a shallow dive in the gear corner this week, I’m going to recommend a “style” or “approach” for how you play this song. Jonathan Butler uses a lot of what I’m calling double stops in this song. I’m going to recommend you either use your fingers to pick out the notes in this song. If you’re a claw picker (pick between your thumb and forefinger, pluck other strings with ring, index, pinky) that works too. You could even buy finger picks if you want to be really fancy. I guess what I’m trying to say is, this ain’t no flatpickin’ song pardner. You’ll need to use your finger picking skills.
Nashville Numbers
The neat thing about this song? Even though it is a smooth jazz tune, you can still write it out in simple Nashville numbers! The verses follow a I-IV-II (1-5-2) progression. In 7th Avenue South, the key is E, so the first 4 notes of the E-major scale in sequential order are E, F#, Ab, and A. Therefore, the I (1) chord is an E chord, the IV (4) chord is an A chord, and the II (2) chord is an F#m chord.
When you reach the bridge of the song, it will follow a VI-V-IV-I (6-5-4-1) progression for the first go around, and the second go-around follows a VI-V-IV-V (6-5-4-5) progression. In the previous paragraph we stopped on the 4th note of our E-major scale, so continuing on, the 5th note is a B and the 6th note is a Db. So the only additional chords you need to know are B and Dbm!
These chord progressions follow similar and popular song progressions and they fit well with the country and blues themed lessons I’ve done previously, This song will continue to build on what you’ve already learned here! Any of these licks will work for songs in similar keys with similar chord progressions.
Below you’ll find chord diagrams for the song!
The Licks & Solos
Song Intro
The song starts on the second beat with a lick played over an E-chord. The chords alternate between the E and A before the main verse begins. The strumming pattern here is very simple and should be perfect for a beginner to an intermediate guitarist who is new to fingerstyle.

Verse Riff (Part 1, 2 Variations)
I call this the main verse riff, and it’s probably the most identifiable element when learning how to play 7th Avenue South. You’ll notice that part 1 of the verse is played twice. When you repeat this lick, you’ll hear a slight variation with the right hand, even though the notes in your left hand do not change.

Verse Riff (Part 2)
Part 2 of the verse is easy on paper, but it can be a bit tough to master. You’re going to want to practice you accuracy when sliding from the 4th fret, to the 7th fret, up to the E-chord position the 12 fret, and quiclly back down to 7th. *Phew*
Slow this part down if you’re struggling. It will take a bit of practice and muscle memory for your fingers (and your arm) to get your hand int the correct places at the right time.

Transition From Verse To Bridge
The transition between the verse to the bridge is easy and is played using the A and E chord shapes. The fingerstyle work is the same as the beginning of this lesson, so this builds on what we’ve learned already!

Bridge & Solo
As we discussed in e the Nashville numbers section, the chord progression here goes Dbm, B, A, E. And then Dbm, B, A, B. The solo is a very simple, happy sounding guitar line. It’s simple enough to make a good challenge for a beginner, and would be fitting for an intermediate guitarist as well. Check out the tab below!

That’s IT!
You know how to play 7th Avenue South!! Anytime you want to kick back and play a little relaxing instrumental music, pull out these Jonathan Butler licks. You’re sure to catch the ear of a few people in the park.
Remember, if you would like to support this webpage, please become a patron on Patreon:! A perk of being a patron? I will make a video lesson specifically for you! If there’s a song you want to learn, but you can’t find a lesson for it, tell me! I’m here to help!
If you’re looking for country lessons, check out our Chris Stapleton lessons on Starting Over and You Should Probably Leave!
Also, go check out some of our other acoustic guitar lessons! If you’re a beginner looking for more simple chords, try Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show or Willin’ by Little Feat! These simple songs are great to learn!
And if you liked the guitar we used in today’s video, check out our full review of the Martin Custom D Classic Rosewood!
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How It’s Made:
If you loved this lesson and want to know the tools I used to make it, check out the links below! These are affiliate links, so I make a small commission from any sales generated, but there is no extra cost to you!
NCH Video Pad Video Editing Software:
GoPro Hero:
Sure SM7:
Line 6 PodProXT: affiliate link coming soon!
Ipad Pro:
And if you struggled with any part of this lesson, leave a comment below! I’d be happy to help you work through one part of the song or another!